Evaluations are often used to help get a clearer understanding of a person’s behavior, abilities, and other characteristics, and to help guide treatment needs.
We assess many psychiatric problems (e.g., anxiety, substance abuse, personality structure) and nonpsychiatric concerns (e.g., intelligence, learning disabilities). We gather data through interviews, observation, standardized tests, self-report measures, physiological or psychophysiological measurement devices, or other specialized procedures.
These evaluations help identify specific learning disorders such as Dyslexia (reading problems), Dysgraphia (writing problems), and Dyscalculia (math problems). In addition to assessment of academic skills, this type of evaluation includes assessment of specific cognitive processes that may be contributing to the learning problem.
We will participate in scheduled 504 Team Meetings/ARD Meetings to review and explain the results of the evaluation, as well as to support the family and school in seeking educational accommodations. This service requires a fee and is based on an hourly rate. We require ample notice to adjust our schedules.